
平安夜專輯on the way

本團的Hank老師說聽我寫的The Christmas Bossa就像真的可以感覺到在冬天裡在火爐旁的那種感受。或許Bossa nova曲風和聖誕節的結合有些不尋常,但是在所有樂手老師們的詮釋下,這首歌的完成品忠實傳達了我寫歌的時候想表達的那種思念與祝福。
而專輯裡的” Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town 聖誕老人進城囉”則是一首可愛而趣味的歌。groovy的節奏會讓你想跟著它擺動身體(別懷疑、連我的胖媽媽都動起來了)、還有”幽默”的橋段讓你會心一笑。


購票請洽兩廳院售票網站或各大誠品書局及7-ELEVEN ibon。

I am finally understanding why directors, artists and musicians like to compare the creation process to pregnancy: it can be painful at times and it takes a long time to complete but the final product is so sweet and satisfying that you forget about the pain right after you see it.

As we are working under a tight deadline to put out this holiday album, plus we are a little more ambitious this time by bringing in our entire band to record on two of the tracks, it makes our workload 5 times heavier than last time. But I believe all of us involved in this project are happy with the result and this album also marks the first time of our band’s studio recording after its formation a year ago. ☺

The “Silent Night” album includes one song I wrote called “The Christmas Bossa.” According to our very own Hank the saxophonist, this song reminds one of snuggling beside a fire on a winter day. Perhaps it is a little unusual for the genre of bossa nova to be associated with Christmas but I’m very happy to see that the song turned out to be very fitting for the theme and that it conveys exactly what I’d like to express: the feeling of missing someone during the holiday season.
Our version of “Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town” is the familiar fun classic Christmas tune with a twist. It has the rhythm that makes you wanna dance, the allure that makes you want to sing along with it and the humor that makes you smile.

The new album will be available in record stores island-wide in less than two weeks… Hope you will enjoy the songs. ☺

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  1. 茵茵 我很喜歡你在台中爵士音樂時唱的歌,那是 目前出的專輯都有的嗎??

  2. Chien-chi,謝謝你的留言!那天表演的曲目目前出的專輯裡還沒有,但是新專輯會收錄一首我們自己全新創作的bossa nova作品和爵士編曲後的Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town(文章中提到的)。應該也是爵士愛好者會喜歡的類型?這張專輯的曲目上市時會上全台灣的風潮音樂試聽機,所以可以到唱片行先聽聽看。或是過一陣子我也會在網站上放試聽版。:)