上個週六在Music Man的舞台上見識了西安觀眾的熱情,雖然力宏在舞台上說有人事先警告他說西安的觀眾較冷靜,但是等力宏一上台,卻完全不是那麼回事,台下的尖叫聲和熱情揮舞手上螢光棒的每一位歌迷,給了Music Man和所有的表演者最直接的鼓勵,真是非常盡興的一次演出。
這次在西安,band leader/音樂總監Kheng Long的一位製作人朋友曹軒賓很有義氣的特別來當我們的導遊,帶我們逛了西安著名的大雁塔,也在這個過程中發現到他原來就是梁靜茹「可惜不是你」的作曲者!聽說他最近的一首新歌在中國人氣直升,跟大家分享這首歌:
西安的風景讓我最印象深刻的竟是灰濛濛的天空,大白天的能見度卻很低,或許就是傳說中的沙塵暴… 還有在演唱會場和北京同樣大陣仗的公安,身上掛著武裝警察的牌子,讓人望之生畏… (sorry I got lazy this time and didn’t take that many photos)
這幾個星期來的時空轉換,或許在某個層面成了我創作的靈感…?回到家一邊unpack,一邊看著Music Man的DVD(btw,這是我第一次從正面看這場演唱會,真的非常好看!力宏的歌迷千萬不要錯過,也不要忘了找找我的鏡頭:p),躺下了腦海裡卻響起了旋律和歌詞,於是又爬起身開始紀錄音符和文字,寫下了兩首歌的雛型才發現竟然已經是凌晨三點!原來回到台北,我依然有我的創作時差…
聽說我好久之前在Good Tv錄的「心靈不打烊」趁我不在國內的時候播出了!Hope I did ok. 每次上節目都好匆忙、好緊張。但是我下次一定會表現得更好。 I always get so nervous when going on TV shows… Haven’t seen the show myself but I am gonna do better next time!! I want to share so much more about myself, my music and my faith.
在DC回到台北的路上寫下了以下的隨想… for your reading pleasure.
I said goodbye to my brother and my good friend from college at the bus stop at Rosslyn station, my body still tired from jet lag but my eyes wide open because of the vietnamese coffee we just had at breakfast.
All of a sudden I am sentimental again. I hate saying goodbyes to people I love.
I had thought this trip was going to be relatively relaxing but it turned out to be more hectic, stressful and confusing than I had imagined. Thankfully I was able to spend some quality time with my brother, my cousin Yuchih who is studying at Duke, my college 學姐 Iris and long-lost friend Joie (plus her hubby Mark)! Really amazing how these people close to me all ended up in the capital city of the US. Three years ago when I went to DC to do an internship, I remember that a lot of times i was going to places alone and enjoying the city on foot. DC is a lovely city despite its reputation for violence and crime.
年紀輕一點的時候嚮往流浪,年紀漸長,卻越來越戀家。I used to enjoy traveling from one city/town to another and living overseas but as time goes by, I am finding myself getting eager to head home each time I travel. I am glad I am finally home again.
welcome home!! we miss you a lot!!
i like this: 『年紀輕一點的時候嚮往流浪,年紀漸長,卻越來越戀家』
can i qute in my blog?