我昨天(Jan 18)和曹格一起合唱!!!!!
事情的經過是我昨天在Hennessy VSOP 和GQ雜誌的party上和一個Jazz band 一起表演(It’s an invitation only event so Sorry I couldn’t invite everyone to go)。滾石唱片也是主辦之一,曹格是當晚的主秀。
事前其實並沒有安排我們合唱的…但是隨性的曹格在彩排的時候,彩到Can’t Take My Eyes Off You時,因為好像他剛好歌詞有點不熟,就突然跟我說:「我們應該一起合唱的。」所以也就促成了一個令我難忘的夜晚。
曹格真的好會唱! 實力魅力兼具,又會寫歌。Against people like this, I couldn’t help but feeling a little mediocre. But I think I did well yesterday. I was confident, I knew my words and the melody—Didn’t let my friends and family down!
雖然我猜下了那個舞台,曹格可能就記不得我了(partly due to the Hennessy he’d been drinking :p),但是我還是很謝謝他努力在台上記得我的名字!
Unfortunately I signed an agreement so I won’t be able to put the clips of our duet on the web. But still it’s a wonderful memory that I will always keep…
謝謝把這個機會介紹給我的大學同學孟慧。孟慧現在在Boston的音樂名校Berklee進修,堪稱是全方位的音樂才女。如果不是因為她18日要去日本,我也不會有跟曹格合唱的機會!Thank you, Sylvia!
鋼琴手 彭郁雯老師
Bass: Jay Cheng
Drum: Wei3 Chung1 (Sorry 名字的中文字不知道)
It was great working with you all! 希望下次還有機會合作!
稱職的camera man 學弟賈彬
還有後來趕到的Song Lee
熱情跟我打招呼的Dior公關丹丹and Van Cleef 公關Jenny
哈哈 真的很像得獎感言 不過昨天的演出真的讓我原本有點小down的心情,整個high了起來。
And I am just very grateful. God has been most kind to me. Thank Lord for all the wonderful opportunities coming my way.
The Hennessy event where I sang with Gary Tsao (see the blog entry above) isn’t the only event I had going on for the past two months after the musical ended. I also took the time to sing at two friends’ weddings: Benny’s wedding in Hong Kong and Ellyn’s wedding in Tainan, Taiwan.
Both of the weddings were very touching. Benny’s and her lovely wife’s parents all gave very thoughtful and heartfelt wishes to the bride and groom. And Benny’s song dedication to Fion (the bride) was also quite memorable. Benny and I haven’t known each other for very long but I am really honored to be at his wedding and get to know his and Fion’s friends through the special occasion. I also dedicated two songs to the couple: Can’t Take My Eyes off You and You Light Up My Life.
Ellyn is a very special friend of mine. We met in Tokyo after we both finished our graduate studies in the US (Cambridge and Philadelphia, respectively.) We became friends quickly because she’s such a sweet girl and we also came to realize that her parents and my uncle in Tainan are good friends! We became closer friends after we returned to Taiwan and she introduced me to her entire gang of girlfriends whom I also became friends with. : ) I am really really happy to see Ellyn settling down with the man she loves. At her wedding, I sang the Greatest Love of All, 家後(a very moving Taiwanese song)and 我只在乎你 (Teresa Teng classic which I sang in both Chinese and Japanese). Jack (Ellyn’s hubby) joined me to sing the last song and Ellyn just couldn’t stop crying—tears of joy of course. Congrats Ellyn!
I also have recently joined an a cappella group called Semiscon. It’s probably the best-known a cappella group in Taiwan(? correct me if I am wrong) and they have been touring around the world for the last couple years. So I am excited about the upcoming tours! The practices have been fun. The people are also fun to work with. Looking forward to our first performance together at the Presidential Office on January 25!
在結束十一月的公演之後,我除了忙著完成新書的翻譯外,也在兩個好友的婚禮上獻唱:香港朋友Benny在四季酒店的豪華婚禮,還有摯友Ellyn在台南大億麗緻的盛大婚宴。兩個婚禮都非常感人。很高興你們都找到今生的最愛!一定要幸福喔 ☺
我也正式在今年度加入了神祕失控人聲樂團 http://www.semiscon.com/
Don’t really feel like celebrating my birthday this year… perhaps I thought by not celebrating it, i could somehow avoid admitting the fact that I am already in the last year of my 20s!
但是託Tim的福,我在參加好友Ellyn的婚禮之餘,還順道慶祝了我的生日,有Tim/CH, Ellyn/Jack couples 還有其他台南幫好友相伴,今年的生日依舊很特別。回到台北後還在教會朋友Karen家和Jason(Karen’s son)和Ariel一起舉辦了溫馨的共同慶生會。thanks to my fellow Capricorn friends, i was able to celebrate my birthday with them both in Tainan and in Taipei. Truly grateful for all you company. the sad thing is that my grandpa entered ICU a few days before my birthday. When i saw him in the hospital, the only adjective that flashed in my mind is 『shriveled.』 and I simply couldn’t stop crying at the sight of him. I wish there’s more I can do but what I can actually help with is utterly little.
Going through the first 3 decades of my life…
I might have come a long and winding road to realize I still want to perform and sing despite everything but I have no regrets. If not for the long and winding road, I wouldn’t have been able to meet all the friends i now have. I cherish the friendship dearly, even though many of you may not be near me. Although my 20s is nearing its end, there’s still no end to my exploration of life and the endless opportunities life has to offer. And now I am happy to say that I find myself in a place where i feel comfortable. May all of you find your passion in life and lead a life without regrets.
Life’s been treating me well since I found my way back to God.
I’ve been feeling more certain about my life, more comfortable with where I am, and more determined to pursue my dreams no matter what people say. I’ve also grown more reclusive over the past year, which I don’t see as a negative thing except i would have loved to see more of my old friends.
I’d like to thank those of you who have supported me over the past year. The first days of 2008 have been fabulous for me. I hope yours were too. 2008 will be a year of breakthrough and fond memories… as I embrace the last year of my 20s. ;)
所有的夢想,只要真心相信,就會實現。與你分享 “The Secret“
Instead of going to church with my mom, 我和我媽咪在阿妹的歌聲中渡過今年的聖誕節 and I believe God would have been ok with it…
真的很精彩 真的有做出天后的的格局
A mei的歌聲和表演都振奮人心
(唯一讓我有點不滿意的是她唱Amazing Grace的發音><… 對,我就是個英文宅女)
讓我想起十月看的Misia演唱會 雖然Misia真的很棒 歌也真的很好聽
但舞台和表演場地都讓人覺得有點美中不足 很想去日本看原版
而阿妹的歌 十年來陪伴我渡過許多
留學的時候我也總是一邊聽她的音樂 一邊寫作業
現場演唱總是會讓我特別感動 CD可以複製 但現場演出的熱力和痛快卻無可取代
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays, my friends!
I probably won’t have the chance to send out individual Christmas cards this year so just want to take this opportunity to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year!!
新的一年裡願你所有的夢想都能實現 : D
很久沒有發表新文章了 I guess I can very easily get elected the laziest blogger of all time… Nothing to be proud of, of course.
如火如荼進行的project是年底截稿的譯作 “A Summer to Die“。
這本書是由我的第一本譯作“Number the Stars細數繁星“的作者Lois Lowry所撰寫,被公認為是Lois Lowry最具自傳性質的一部小說作品。
Lowry特別擅長用淺顯易懂的文字探討深刻的議題,如:生與死、Holocaust (二次大戰納粹對猶太人的屠殺)、宗教、政府對人民的控制等。雖然她的作品都是為青少年讀者所寫,但她卓越的寫作技巧讓成人也能十分享受她的作品。
我也花了一些時間準備教堂的聖誕詩歌。The Christmas program on December 15 was a great success. It was a lot more fun than the Christmas events I used to go to… prob has to do with the kids that were so adorable and danced so well. And it’s always good fun singing with Leland.
音樂劇方面,正在戲院上演的Hairspray是已經從去年聽到現在都不厭的勵志High歌,Jazz/Musical genre的代表則是台灣未曾上映,只有發行DVD的Delovely,內容描繪作曲家Cole Porter的一生,Ashley Judd的扮相和演技都很稱職,裡面還有Alanis Morissette, Sheryl Crow, Robbie Williams 等知名歌手演唱Porter的名曲,非常值得一看!
Now playing on the stereo: the Carpenters 精選輯
以前對老歌沒興趣的我,因為駐唱關係開始聽六、七、八零年代的西洋經典,才發現很多歌真的仍然歷久彌新。像是Carpenters的歌,雖然編曲現在聽來都覺得有些簡單,但旋律依舊非常吸引人…而且在他們的歌曲裡聽到很多後期流行歌的影子 其中有一首歌跟最近聽到的桑田佳祐的歌超像…只能說不愧是經典
而Carpenter妹妹的音色有時聽起來有點像Gloria Estefan的沙啞…? 是不是也有其他人這麼說過?
前天才開賣的加演場票券(十二月二日下午 唱作俱佳版),經過不到三天就已經銷售一空!本來想幫朋友留票的我現在也只好跟朋友們說聲抱歉。LPC票房長紅給整個團隊帶來很大的激勵 (畢竟劇場界真的經營不易啊…)。上個星期六(十一月二十四日)二度挑戰一天兩場演出的唱作俱佳組,被導演說是我們開演以來最棒的表演,也讓他有了新的感動…
從覺得自己與演戲無緣,到現在慢慢學習享受在台上表演的每一刻,嵐的夥伴們真的教我很多,想到這段快樂的LPC日子即將落幕,也覺得有些不捨… 希望各位喜歡我們的表演、或是還沒看過我們表演的朋友們,都能在往後的日子裡繼續給我們支持和鼓勵,讓我們可以繼續為大家帶來各種風格多變的演出!
聚會結束我到了一位教會的朋友家玩,和三位很特別的朋友渡過了很特別的下午。這三個不滿二十歲的男孩分別在行動上或是表達能力上有一些障礙,但是我們在歌聲和舞蹈中,我感覺不到他們和我的不同,只覺得他們真的非常可愛。他們像是我的天使,在一個平凡無奇的星期天下午,God sent them to show me how much He has been given me and to all of us and how we should give thanks to everything we have all taken for granted. 謝謝他們給了我一個充實的下午和完全沒有負擔的快樂。