
Quiet afternoon at home (圖說:這是芮慈JZ Chang前幾天幫我拍的照片,場景就在我房間的一角!小刺蝟是大學時學姐送的禮物,不知不覺牠們也陪著我這麼多年…)
Seems like I have been writing a lot less on my blog since I started using plurk and FB. But recently I have actually been writing a lot for the upcoming Christmas album. I am hoping that, through these words, whoever reads them or buys the CD will get to understand more about me and the reason why my mom and I decided to do an album like this. There’s also a lot of promotional materials that need to be done and I think I am starting to get the gist of it. hehe Can’t wait for you all to hear the new songs and see the photos and designs my artistic friends have created for me. :)

好像用了臉書和噗浪以後就懶得寫部落格了…不過其實最近我的文字創作量還不小呢!為了即將在十一月出版的聖誕專輯,有好多文案和小故事要寫,因為希望所有看見或是購買這張專輯的朋友們都能藉著這些文字更了解我和媽媽希望透過這些音樂分享給大家的心情。這也是身為獨立歌手的優點吧,所有的一字一句都自己寫成,不假他人之手,也特別感謝風潮唱片兩位可愛的女孩們熱心的給我文字上的建議。好想趕快跟大家分享新的專輯裡的音樂!還有芮慈(JZ CHANG)和宗恩的攝影&設計。


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  1. 「耶路撒冷禱告中心」,我在七月初吳霆牧師的特會有在會前和敬拜團一起敬拜拉小提琴,吳牧師還對我說了預言,應該算有在成就中。