
淡淡的,』烏干達天空下』訴說著戰火肆虐下北烏干達Patongo保護區內兒童的故事。儘管他們無時無刻都生活在叛軍的武力威脅下、儘管他們都經歷了慘絕人寰的悲慘遭遇,音樂和信仰救贖了他們,在歌聲與舞蹈中,他們的眼中依然充滿希望。I like how this is a film that celebrates life while exposing the traumatic stories these lovely kids had to go through. i have always believed that without hope, without faith, we are nothing. and despite the ongoing cilvil war, sparks of hope shine in these Uganda kids’ eyes when they sing and dance. Their singing and dance were beautiful… 純粹的打擊和人聲、渾然天成的律動,感染了小小的電影院裡的每一位觀眾。


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