
the course at Xue Xue is officially canceled. 小芬老師在學學開的講情歌的課已確定取消…但是她還有其他的歌舞劇workshop即將登場。有興趣的朋友可以上學學的網站…

can’t help but feel a bit low/stuck once in a while. but the good thing about growing in age is that I now don’t dwell on the 『knot』 that keeps me depressed for too long…

練了一下歌 歌聲狀況不錯 讓心情恢復了一些 就是這樣隨聲音狀況起伏的人生

I am practicing for this and next Friday’s performance (still tentative 暫定) 小芬老師在學學開的課 我會去唱幾首歌:

3 comments so far

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  1. Sorry you’re feeling a bit low. Here’s a happy song from the musical, 『Annie』

    The sun will come out, tomorrow
    Bet your bottom dollar
    That tomorrow, there’ll be sun
    Jus’ thinkin’ about, tomorrow
    Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow
    ’til there’s none

    When I’m stuck with the day that’s gray and lonely
    I just stick out my chin and grin and say, ohhh

    The sun will come out, tomorrow
    So you gotta hang on ’til tomorrow
    Come what may…

    Tomorrow, tomorrow
    I love ya, tomorrow
    You’re always a day away


    The sun will come out, tomorrow
    So you gotta hang on ’til tomorrow
    Come what may…

    (repeat chorus)

    Tomorrow, tomorrow
    I love ya, tomorrow
    You’re always a day a–way!

  2. 版大的歌聲是我聽過最棒的!

  3. 版大加油~